Thursday, February 12, 2015

Canadian Mining and Rock Composition

Canada has a long history of mining minerals, and it continues to be a billion dollar industry to this day.  The minerals mined in Canada include gold, silver, platinum, iron, copper, nickel, diamonds, potash (potassium-bearing minerals), and many others.  In 2014, over $35 billion in minerals were harvested from Canada.  These minerals range from precious minerals like gold and diamond, to the gravel and cement used in everyday life.  

Canada has a variety of both minerals and rocks, as well as some of the oldest rocks in North America.  An area know as The Canadian Shield is made of granite, and contains fossils of bacteria believed to be over 2 billion years old.  The Shield is 1.7 million square miles, and is one of the most mineral rich areas on the planet.  It is the largest area of exposed rock from the Precambrian geologic era 500 million years ago.  Many parts of this granite plateau are covered by either forests and wildlife, or a layer of snow and glaciers in the northern regions.

While many of these mining operations have been going on for over 100 years, I was surprised to learn that the discovery and mining of Diamonds in Canada was a relatively new operation.  While gold has been mined in Canada since the 1800's, the first diamonds in Canada were discovered in 1991.  The Canadian diamond industry has risen to be 3rd in the world, and has received praise for its ethical practices regarding environmental, authenticity, and labor standards. There are many small mining towns throughout Canada, many Canadian citizens support the local diamond and mineral trade.

Sources :


  1. Excellent article David. I know the Canadian people are at a crossroads. They are discovering just how rich their mineral resources are and are trying to balance the exploitation of them with the sense of natural conservation that is a core value to many Canadians. I think the fact that diamonds have been discovered there so recently is fascinating. It goes to show you that as advanced as we have become there is always more to be discovered.

  2. I like your sources of information. The Natural Resources of Canada is a very trustworthy source.
    I wanted to know how are the prices comparing these to the African seems they are generally slightly more expensive at 5-10% more expensive than diamonds mined in other parts of the world. But these are 'bloodshed and conflict free'-guaranteed..

  3. Very informative entry! It's interesting to think diamonds have only been around in Canada less than 25 years. Why did it take people so long to find them? Also to become the 3rd largest producer of diamonds is pretty impressive for such a small amount of time. Maybe it had something to do with mining on the Canadian Shield. I think I may do some research of my own.
